ISSN 1234-3099 (print version)

ISSN 2083-5892 (electronic version)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Journal Impact Factor (JIF 2022): 0.7

5-year Journal Impact Factor (2022): 0.7

CiteScore (2022): 1.9

SNIP (2022): 0.902

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Article in press


Y. Li

Yan Li

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology


Y. Zhang

Yahui Zhang

University of Shang for Science and Technology


P. Zhang

Ping Zhang

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology



Multicolor Ramsey numbers and star-critical Ramsey numbers involving fans



Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Received: 2023-04-19 , Revised: 2024-01-09 , Accepted: 2024-01-10 , Available online: 2024-02-09 ,


For graphs $G$ and $H$, the multicolor Ramsey number $r_{k+1}(G;H)$ is defined as the minimum integer $N$ such that any edge-coloring of $K_N$ by $k+1$ colors contains either a monochromatic $G$ in the first $k$ colors or a monochromatic $H$ in the last color. We shall write two color Ramsey numbers as $r(G,H)$. For graphs $F$, $G$ and $H$, let $F\to (G,H)$ signify that any red/blue edge coloring of $F$ contains either a red $G$ or a blue $H$. Define the star-critical Ramsey number $r^*(G,H)$ as $\max\{s\;|\;K_r\setminus K_{1,s}\to (G,H)\}$ where $r=R(G,H)$. A fan $F_n$ is a graph that consists of $n$ copies of $K_3$ sharing a common vertex, and a book $B^{(p)}_n$ is a graph that consists of $n$ copies of $K_{p+1}$ sharing a common $K_p$. In this note, we shall show the upper bounds for $r_{k+1}(K_{t,s};F_{n})$, $r_{k+1}(K_{2,s};F_{n})$, $r_{k+1}(C_{2t};F_{n})$, some of which are sharp up to the sub-linear term asymptotically. We also obtain the value of $r^*(F_m,B^{(p)}_n)$ as $n\to\infty$.


multicolor Ramsey number, star-critical Ramsey number, fan, book


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