Article in volume
Strong chromatic index of claw-free graphs with edge weight seven
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 44(4) (2024) 1311-1325
Received: 2023-01-13 , Revised: 2023-04-13 , Accepted: 2023-04-13 , Available online: 2023-05-01 ,
Let $G$ be a graph and $k$ a positive integer. A strong $k$-edge-coloring of $G$
is a mapping $\phi: E(G)\to \{1,2,\dots,k\}$ such that for any two edges $e$ and
$e'$ that are either adjacent to each other or adjacent to a common edge,
$\phi(e)\neq \phi(e')$. The strong chromatic index of $G$ is the minimum
integer $k$ such that $G$ has a strong $k$-edge-coloring. The edge weight of
$G$ is defined to be $\max\{d(u)+d(v):uv\in E(G)\}$, where $d(v)$ denotes the
degree of $v$ in $G$. In this paper, we prove that every claw-free graph with
edge weight at most $7$ has strong chromatic index at most $9$, which is sharp.
strong edge coloring, strong chromatic index, claw-free graph, edge weight
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