Article in volume
Cyclic partitions of complete and almost complete uniform hypergraphs
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 42(3) (2022) 747-758
Received: 2019-08-31 , Revised: 2020-01-11 , Accepted: 2020-01-13 , Available online: 2020-02-14 ,
We consider cyclic partitions of the complete $k$-uniform hypergraph on a
finite set $V$, minus a set of $s$ edges, $s\geq 0$. An $s$-almost
$t$-complementary $k$-hypergraph is a $k$-uniform hypergraph
with vertex set $V$ and edge set $E$ for which there exists a permutation
$\theta\in Sym(V)$ such that the sets $E, E^\theta, E^{\theta^2}, \ldots,
E^{\theta^{t-1}}$ partition the set of all $k$-subsets of $V$ minus a set of
$s$ edges. Such a permutation $\theta$ is called an $s$-almost
$(t,k)$-complementing permutation. The $s$-almost
$t$-complementary $k$-hypergraphs are a natural generalization of the
almost self-complementary graphs which were previously studied by Clapham,
Kamble et al. and Wojda. We prove the existence of an $s$-almost
$p^\alpha$-complementary $k$-hypergraph of order $n$, where $p$ is
prime, $s = \prod_{i\geq 0}{{n_i}\choose {k_i}}$, and $n_i$ and $k_i$ are the
entries in the base-$p^{\alpha}$ representations of $n$ and $k$, respectively.
This existence result yields a combinatorial argument which generalizes Lucas'
classic 1878 number theory result to prime powers, which was originally proved
by Davis and Webb in 1990 by another method. In addition, we prove an
alternative statement of the necessary and sufficient conditions for the
existence of a $p^{\alpha}$-complementary $k$-hypergraph, and the
equivalence of these two conditions yield an interesting relationship between
the base-$p$ representation and the base-$p^{\alpha}$ representation of a
positive integer $n$. Finally, we determine a set of necessary and sufficient
conditions on $n$ for the existence of a $t$-complementary $k$-uniform
hypergraph on $n$ vertices for composite values of $t$, extending previous
results due to Wojda, Szymański and Gosselin.
almost self-complementary hypergraph, uniform hypergraph,, cyclically $t$-complementary hypergraph,, $(t,k)$-complementing permutation
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