Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 31(3) (2011)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgt.1562
γ-Graphs of Graphs
Gerd H. Fricke Morehead State University Morehead, KY 40351, USA | Sandra M. Hedetniemi Stephen T. Hedetniemi Clemson University Clemson, SC 29634, USA | Kevin R. Hutson Furman University Greenville, SC 29613, USA |
A set S ⊆ V is a dominating set of a graph G = (V,E) if every vertex in V −S is adjacent to at least one vertex in S. The domination number Γ(G) of G equals the minimum cardinality of a dominating set S in G; we say that such a set S is a Γ-set. In this paper we consider the family of all Γ-sets in a graph G and we define the Γ-graph G( Γ) = (V( Γ), E( Γ)) of G to be the graph whose vertices V( Γ) correspond 1-to-1 with the Γ-sets of G, and two Γ-sets, say D1 and D2, are adjacent in E( Γ) if there exists a vertex v ∈ D1 and a vertex w ∈ D2 such that v is adjacent to w and D1 = D2 −{w} ∪{v}, or equivalently, D2 = D1 −{v} ∪{w}. In this paper we initiate the study of Γ-graphs of graphs.
Keywords: dominating sets, gamma graphs
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C69.
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Received 4 June 2010
Revised 3 August 2010
Accepted 3 August 2010