Mathematicae Graph Theory 21(1) (2001) 167-177
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7151/dmgt.1141
Peter Mihók Mathematical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences |
Riste Skrekovski Departement of Mathematics University of Ljubljana |
In this paper Gallai's inequality on the number of edges in critical graphs is generalized for reducible additive induced-hereditary properties of graphs in the following way. Let P1, P2, …,Pk (k ≥ 2) be additive induced-hereditary properties, ℜ = P1 º P2 º… ºPk and δ = ∑i = 1k δ(Pi). Suppose that G is an ℜ -critical graph with n vertices and m edges. Then 2m ≥ δn + [(δ−2)/(δ2+2δ−2)] n + [(2δ)/(δ2+2δ−2)] unless ℜ = O2 or G = Kδ+1. The generalization of Gallai's inequality for P-choice critical graphs is also presented.Keywords: additive induced-hereditary property of graphs, reducible property of graphs, critical graph, Gallai's Theorem.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05C15, 05C75.
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Received 2 August 2000
Revised 9 May 2001