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A Survey of Hereditary Properties of Graphs


All graphs considered are finite, simple, i.e., undirected, loopless and without multiple edges. For undefined concepts we refer the reader to [29], [8] and [17].

A graph property is a any isomorphism-closed subclass of graphs. Since we have in general no reason to distinguish between isomorphic copies of a graph, we use the notation I to denote the set of all unlabelled graphs. Therefore, by saying that H is a subgraph of G, we mean that H is isomorphic to a subgraph of G.

If P is a subset of I, then P will also denote the property that a graph is a member of the set P. We shall use the terms set of graphs and property of graphs interchangeably. The symbol Epsilon will stand for the empty property, i.e. the subsets of I containing no graphs. Properties I and Epsilon are called trivial.

By the join G1 + G2 + ... + Gn of n graphs G1, G2, ... ,Gn we mean the graph consisting of disjoint copies of G1, G2, ... ,Gn and all the edges between V(Gi) and V(Gj) for all iNOT EQUALj. Every graph which is the join of at least two graphs is called decomposable. A graph that is not decomposable is called indecomposable. It is easy to see that a graph G is decomposable if and only if its complement G complement is not connected. Then G is a join of the complements of the components of G complement. Thus every decomposable graph G can be expressed in a unique way as the join of indecomposable graphs.

A homomorphism of a graph G to a graph H is a mapping f of the vertex set V(G) into V(H) which preserves the edges, i.e., if e={u,v}IN E(G) than f(e)={f(u),f(v)}INE(H).

If a homomorphism of G to H exists, we say that G is homomorphic to H and write Garrow to leftH. It is easily seen that in such case for the chromatic number the following inequality chi(G)<=chi(H) holds.

A property P is called additive if for each graph G all of whose components have property P it follows that GINP too. Throughout the paper we let PRECEQ be a partial order on the set I. A property P is said to be PRECEQ-hereditary if, whenever GINP and HPRECEQG, then also HINP. A property P is induced hereditary if it is LESS or EQUAL-hereditary with respect to the relation LESS or EQUAL to be an induced subgraph and P is hereditary if it is SUBSET-hereditary with respect to the relation SUBSET to be a subgraph (some authors prefer the term monotone instead of hereditary, see [26], [82]). In the first three sections of this survey we shall concentrate on additive hereditary properties; properties that are hereditary with respect to other partial orderings are the subject of study in later sections.

Hereditary properties were studied extensively (see e.g. [7], [17], [23], [25], [26], [48], [64], [83] and [101]).

Example 1. We list some important hereditary properties, using partially the notation of [17].

O = {GINI : G is edgeless, i.e. E(G) = EMPTYSET },
Ok = {GINI : each component of G has at most k+1 vertices },
Sk = {GINI : the maximum degree capital DELTA(G)<= k },
Wk = {GINI : the length of the longest path in G is at most k },
Dk = {GINI : G is k-degenerate, i.e. the minimum degree DELTA(H)<= k for each h SUBSETG },
Tk = {GINI : G contains no subgraph homeomorphic to Kk+2 or Kindex (k+3)/2,(k+3)/2. },
Ik = {GINI : G does not contain Kk+2},
arrow to left H = {GINI : G is homomorphic to a given graph H}.

It is easy to see that for k=1 the properties O1, S1 and W1 are equal each other.

Let P be a nontrivial hereditary property. Then there is a nonnegative integer c(P) such that Kc(P)+1INP but Kc(P)+2NOT INP -- it is called the completeness of P. Obviously

c(Ok) = c(Sk) = c(Wk) = c(Dk) = c(Tk) = c(Ik) = k

and c(P) = 0 if and only if P=O.

By a partition of a set S into n parts we mean an unordered family { S1, S2, ... , Sn } of pairwise disjoint subsets of S with UNION for i=1 to n Si = S. Note that some of the Si's may be empty. In the case that an ordered partition is required we shall denote the ordered partition by [S1, S2, ... , Sn].

In Section 2 we investigate the lattice of additive and hereditary properties of graphs. It is shown how minimal forbidden subgraphs and maximal graphs are used to characterize properties.

In Section 3 we discuss vertex partitions of graphs. Reducibility of properties plays a major role in this section and the relationship between this concept and the existence of uniquely partitionable graphs is explained. The concept of minimal reducible bounds are shown to provide a wealth of difficult problems.

In Section 4 lattices arising from other partial orderings on I are studied. These lattices can be used to explain many seemingly unrelated concepts and results from Graph Theory.

Section 5 is devoted to show how many known invariants of graphs can be related to chains of such properties of graphs.

In Section 6 we list some important results concerning the complexity of partition problems related to properties of graphs (see also [98]).